Vectrex C related Projects

Frank Buss: Vectrex game project
In a few words, a game project “Bloxorz”, realized in C with the gcc 6809 compiler as a base.
The project can also be found in Vide. Slight changes were made to be compilable in Vide.
The current version can also be found on github:

Joakim Larsson: Vectrex Tutorial
A collections of C and C++ sources compilable with gcc and g++. Included are instructions to get the C compiler built and runnable.
Although the collection is called “tutorial” I haven’t been able to find any tutorial in the archive – only C sources and the compiler setup.
Link to his newest “project” on YouTube:

Sebastian Mihai: Scalar Ownage
A small C project done with my own old gcc 6809 version. The project can also be found in Vide. Slight changes were made to be compilable in Vide.

Phillip Riscombe-Burton: VecPong
A pong version developed with Phillips “Vec-c“, a configuration for MacOS X X-Code environment to program C for Vectrex. This one is also based on gcc6809. The project can also be found in Vide. Slight changes were made to be compilable in Vide.

Also started by Phillip “Dance-Dance-Vec” – this is still a work in progress.

GCC 6809 repository: bcd/gcc
This is the repository, that Vide is based upon.

GCC 6809 repository II: dfffffff/gcc6809
This is a fork from the above repository. There were a few changes done, but I have not investigated it further yet.

Malban: Vectrex-c-gcc
An old gcc version customized to work with vectrex – my old doing from nearly 20 years ago. Interesting now only for the demos done with it. Most of them were “translated” to work with the current C version supported by Vide.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peer Johannsen:
Vectrex projects done at the university Pfortzheim: Course 2016, Course 2017, Course 2018
The gcc configuration and BIOS “bindings” that are used in Vide are based on Peers excellent work.

Pierre Sarrazin: CMOC
Is a cross compiler for a subset of the C language to 6809 code. Originally the compiler was intended to be used with CoCo computers, support for Vectrex was added by Johan Van den Brande.

Johan Van den Brande: Vectrex C examples for cmoc
Some example files for a vectrex CMOC setup.

Graham Toal: Tailgunner Vectrex
Assorted C code which depending on compiler settings compile with Vide gcc and/or CMOC. The game as yet is unfinished.

Start of a Tempest clone in C by “Phoboz”

Start of a Black Widow clone in C by “Phoboz”